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Winner Students


Self-directed CPR learning experience

Designed by Shuai Li

About the project.
More than 550,000 Chinese people die from sudden cardiac death each year. The survival rate of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is less than 1% in China. Some main problems cause this low rate: The lay public has less motivation to join a CPR course because of fewer interests and a fast-paced lifestyle. The less qualified full-time instructors are other significant barriers to teach quality lifesaving skills. Besides, the CPR training equipment is too expensive for this vast population. Is there an affordable way to offer millions of people CPR training in developing countries? My project focused on providing an efficient self-directed CPR learning solution to encourage more laypeople to learn and improve their life-saving skills.

Currently, no solution is supporting self-directed quality CPR learning for the lay public in developing countries. This way, CANNE provides an ecosystem as a home delivery CPR kit that is self-directed, low-cost and sustainable. It can be accessible to all the regions where people have a smartphone.

CANNE is a corrugated cardboard Basic Life Support (BLS) learning kit that allows laypeople to practice CPR, such as cardiac arrest identification, chest compression and ventilation by themselves. The BLS selfdirected application on the smartphone can significantly enhance the learning experience by simulating cardiac arrest scenarios with AR technology and guiding the user to perform chest compression to correct position with accurate gestures. The built-in front camera and microphone on the smartphone can provide real-time feedback of compression and ventilation.

CANNE provides an ecosystem to motivate laypeople to learn CPR at a low cost. It saves time and medical resources and has a minimal requirement for the learning environment. CANNE could raise the survival rate of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests, particularly in China, by addressing the local, societal and cultural needs.

Jury statement.
„This project is a good example of utilizing new technologies and practical hardware to improve tedious existing processes. To be more specific here, the renewal process of CPR certification. The combination of cardboard as a very common material and sensor gadgets as technology aids, makes the solution very straightforward and feasible. I think this concept will encourage the public to take a CPR course, provide more opportunities to practice, and hopefully save more cardiac patients at critical times.“ – Li Ning Ning

Shuai Li

Umeå University, Sweden, MFA Advanced Product Design

Shuai Li
BraunPrize Winner Students CANNE - Self-directed CPR learning experience
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