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Shortlisted Projects


Tape dispenser

Designed by Jiwon Lee

About the project.
ON is a dispenser that can be used freely by adjusting the length of the tape with only One Hand. The design utilizes a two-hole dispenser located on the base of the product. The first hole keeps the tape bonded and pressed to a rubber pad, which users can place on the area that needs taping and dispense the tape in one uninterrupted and continuous flow.

The second hole is linked to a switch on the top of the device, which users can handle to release a blade and cut the tape when necessary. This way, the user doesn’t have to use their second hand or use their teeth, which can be an inconvenience when using traditional tape dispensers or single tape rolls. Aside from the obvious innovation, the ON tape dispenser uses a similar system for refilling and dispensing the tape. New rolls slot into the body and roll along as the tape is used to make it easier, there is a narrow slot in the side of the dispenser to reveal how much tape is left.

The Designer.
Jiwon Lee

BraunPrize Shortlisted Project On - Tape dispenser
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