Shortlisted Projects


Electroencephalographic Study System

Designed by Soler Arzola, Ortiz, Gaytán, Hernández, González

About the project.
Professionals related to science, design, arts, and engineering areas, are increasingly interacting with new technologies such as Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence. However, access to these types of devices is usually expensive and requires specialized knowledge to manipulate them. Among this classification of technologies, the encephalography system (EEG) has begun to stand out.

An EEG device is mostly used on the medical and research sector. They are employed to capture and analyse people's brain waves such as: alpha, delta, and gamma. As an example, they can be utilized to study a person's brain activity when listening to music or to diagnose a patient who has suffered paralysis. Applied in engineering, it works as a brain-machine interface. The acquired data from brain activity can be integrated into a program to manipulate a robotic arm, fly a drone, or turn on a light bulb. However, like the other technologies mentioned before, EEG devices are often expensive and target the medical sector.

Due to this, and in collaboration with an expert company in these technologies, we developed a product with an intuitive interface, low cost in production and acquisition. The final product is an EEG system consisting of a nylon cap and a biosignal board produced in SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) printing. We decided to give it an appearance aimed at the creative sector, characterized by a discreet and understandable shape, leaving aside the appearance of a cold and complicated product. For a better wearing experience, we marked the positioning of each electrode on the cap with silkscreen printing. We also placed a QR to the back of the biosignal board for a cleaner interface. We believe that this product will become an opportunity for more creators to join the development of projects that integrate emerging technologies.

The Designers.
Gerardo Soler Arzola
David Ortiz
Indalecio Gaytán
Leslie Hernández
Daniela González

BraunPrize Shortlisted Project Aura - Electroencephalographic Study System
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